Friday, May 23, 2008

Love that Lucy


Ever since I can remember I have loved old tv shows. I spent a great deal of my childhood tv viewing time watching Nick at Nite (before it was ruined by getting rid of so many of its great shows). 

My very favorite has always been, and will always be, I Love Lucy. Last Saturday, for my birthday, my amazing friends, Grant, Drew and Crystal gave me the best. present. ever. The ENTIRE series of I Love Lucy. It was the sweetest thing ever. It was such an amazing, fun birthday, possibly one of the best I've ever had. Dinner at Andina, bowling and exploring Portland were absolutely fabulous. Topped off with cupcakes and my very first cab ride ever. 

I am truly blessed to have so many wonderful friends. 

Back to Lucy. I have admired this woman forever. She truly is one of the greatest actresses of all time. She is hilarious, ballsy, she really put it out there. The first woman to ever own her own production company, she truly was a success. Not to mention being stunningly beautiful. As early as 4th grade I was writing book reports on how much I admire her. I Love Lucy paved the way for so many great shows of the future. I am loving this DVD set. Totally geeking out, remembering all these episodes. Its just amazing. Its been so long since I've seen all of these. Nick at Nite pulled it off their lineup years ago. Along with Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie. Which is completely stupid. I don't even care what they have on now. It started to suck. Occasionally they'd have a couple episodes on TV Land, but it wasn't the same. 

Grant and reminisce about Block Party Summer. Which was 3 hours of one show every night. Other shows varied year to year, but it was ALWAYS Lucy Tuesdays. THE BEST DAY OF THE WEEK. I think it was Mary Mondays (actually Monday was usually the changing day, because I think they brought the Munsters and Welcome Back Kotter on), Bewitched B'Wednesdays (cute huh?), Jeannie Thursdays and maybe Dragnet on Fridays. Anyway, I miss this. I don't even think they have anything like this anymore. Which is SAD. So Grant and I have decided that occasionally this summer (pending schedules of course) we are going to have Lucy Tuesdays. Grant also has a bunch of I dream of Jeannie and Bewitched DVDs I think. Maybe we'll watch those too. For right now though, I am love love loving these episodes. 

P.S. In contemporary Nicole television obsession news:

1. The Sex and the City movie comes out next Friday! I can't wait!!!!
2. The Office finale is driving me crazy, because I have to wait until Sept. to find out what happens! (Also, it was hilar)
3. CSI:NY OMG WHY do they 
a. Have a hostage sitch for every season finale (excluding season 1, which was semi hostagey)?
b. LEAVE THINGS ON A CLIFFHANGER (P.S. Mac Taylor is so not going to get killed, they CAN'T kill Gary Sinise)? 
c. Not devote a WHOLE episode to my beloved, Det. Don Flack Jr. (aka the fabulously sexy Eddie Cahill)? Ok, that will never happen, but if they wanted to turn the show into Don Flack is hot and should always be wearing sexy suits and say funny smart ass remarks and possibly walk around in a tank top a la Episode 3 of this season, I would probably watch the show on 8 tvs at once to give them inflated ratings. *sigh* just look at him. 

Ok. That last one is from when he guest starred on Sex and the City as Carrie's bisexual ice skating bf, Sean, in the episode 'Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl...' I just had to post it. 
4. Beauty and the Geek is CANCELED. Please, a moment of silence for this loss. 
5. Gossip Girl. I miss it so much already. Also, I hate Michelle Tractenberg as Georgina. She seriously sucks, but I know they'll bring back her character. If you're going to be evil. BE EVIL. 
And, I don't like this Dan and Vanessa business (she bugs me), Nate and Serena (ok, I might be able to accept this, but that means that DAN AND SERENA are not together, and that is just pure madness), and my dear Chuck Bass. You are crazy. But you make for good drama. And I kind of love you. And I'm starting to think that you are not ugly with weird eyebrows, but are in fact kind of hot. Especially when I see you in interviews and you are British (because he is British and British people are awesome). Ok. That was a mouthful.
6. Grey's. Feh. Meh. Whatever. It was a good episode. Mediocre season. I'll still buy the dvd. I thought season 3 was mediocre at first, but when I re-watched the dvds it was way better. I do think that they need to GET RID of Dr. Hahn. She is just annoying. I could care less if she and Callie become lovahs. YAWN. They both suck. Izzie and George (not sure if they belong together, that was kinda awkward) and Alex are the best characters on that show. If an Emmy were given out for just last nights episode. HANDS DOWN best actor (well technically he falls in supporting actor territory) goes to Justin Chambers. Phenom. 

Ok, so that's my tv blog for now. Season finales over, loving Lucy and waiting for summer shows (RUNWAY! SHEAR GENIUS! THAT LEGALLY BLONDE SHOW! And more I'm sure). 

For now, I leave you with a great Lucille Ball quote to live by:

"I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world". 


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