Thursday, February 21, 2008

How can it be wrong when it feels SO RIGHT?

Is it normal, that I am 22, and I enjoy listening to crappy pop music? Example:I've been listening to Britney Spears A LOT lately.

And singing along. At home. In the car. Yeah. I'm 13.

I wish I were 13 actually.

I miss Britney. Once she got Federlined and Frappucino-fied, she went nuts. Although I THINK she is getting better. A least she LOOKS better. She still has a bad weave, but its a better bad weave. At least we can't see where its attached anymore.

Britney...why do you make it so hard to love you? Lets go back to when it was almost acceptable (depending on who you ask) for me to listen to your music. To love your lip-synching. Lets go back to the days of Timberlake and good Rolling Stone Magazine covers. And your amazing abs. When your hair was semi-natural. And your makeup was flawless. The days of Fe, and the days of your amazing choreography. The days when you were not a girl, and not yet a woman. Lets go back to when the worst thing the media said about you was that you wear skimpy clothes and you might have fake boobies.

A girl can dream right?



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