Sunday, June 15, 2008

Dirty what?

Duaner Sanchez is a relief pitcher for the New York Mets, my beloved, fledgling favorite team. Don't EVEN get me started on how disappointed I am in them right now. UGH. Anyway. Since they are RARELY on tv, I check the games on yahoo sports, and they have this little thing called "gamechannel". Basically its a little baseball field cartoon and it tells you what's going on during the game, the person at bat, outs, etc. etc. Anyway, they abbreviate the names so it says D. Wright when my fake boyfriend DAVID WRIGHT is up to bat. I had never noticed that Duaner Sanchez is abbreviated D. Sanchez (OBVS)...but it wasn't until now that I LAUGHED OUT LOUD because I have the sense of humor of a college frat boy (seriously, my guy friends cannot gross me out). Dirty Sanchez. You KNOW thats what they call him in the clubhouse. I would. So from now on that is what he shall be called. 

This also made me think of a funny story. A certain male friend of mine once asked me "Hey Nicole, has anyone ever done the dirty sanchez to you?" I almost threw up. If you don't know what this is, I warn you, looking it up on wikipedia may gross you out. Anywho, I was like "WHAT??? NO!!! That is so sick! Why the hell would you ask that?".... Because was random. He thought it meant someone farting in your face. Still gross and random, but that is SO not what it is. So I told him to look it up on wikipedia and he was mortified at what he said. Great moment. 

So just to end this on a non-gross note, here's a picture of my fake boyfriend:

P.S. The Mets just won game 2 of their double header against the Rangers. They lost the first game today. Here's hoping that they KEEP winning. 

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