Friday, June 27, 2008

How did I not notice?

That in one of my favorite episodes of CSI:NY from season 2, Madonna's ex and her baby daddy had a cameo??? I didn't realize it until I was reading something this morning and he was pictured with his daughter. I've seen that episode more times that I'd like to admit (they re-run that ep all the time on tv) and I have never noticed that...but I always thought he looked familiar. 

Again, because I've seen that episode (Manhattan Manhunt) many times I remember that the song used in the opening scene is "Hung Up" by Madonna. AWKWARD. 

That episode is great for many reasons but mostly because it is a crossover ep with CSI:Miami (which I LOATHE) and it PROOVES that David Caruso sucks even more when he has to act along side the great Gary Sinise. I hate CSI:Miami. So stupid. Regular CSI, sure. I enjoy. I don't watch it religiously like NY, but I like it...George Eads makes it worth watching. But Miami? I could care less about their characters. I've TRIED to watch it, but they just aren't likeable to me. Except in early episodes I can kind of watch because that was before they killed off their BEST CHARACTER, Tim Speedle, played by the wonderful Rory Cochrane. I LOVE him. Empire Records is seriously one of my favorite movies of all time. 

I am shocked when people HAVEN'T seen it. 

"What's with today today?"-Lucas, Empire Records

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