Tuesday, June 10, 2008

"He must have slipped me something"...."Apparently!"

I forgot how amazing the Golden Girls are. I am dogsitting for my Grammie right now, and this morning after being rudely awoken by Geese (she lives right on the river), I started watching the Golden Girls on Lifetime. HILAR. I used to watch this show ALL THE TIME. I mean EVERY DAY. When I was little, I would watch this show every week with my other Grandma. So it holds a lot of special memories. 

This show is as old as I am. Literally. It premiered the year I was born. I think thats a sign that I had to love it. Freshman year of high school is probably when my obsession peaked. Lifetime had it on all the time. One time, my bff Grant and I were in the computer lab at school and I was like "Hey! I wonder if there's a goldengirls.com"...I'm not sure if it still is, but at that time I was a fool to type that into the address bar. It was grandma porn. SCARY. 

If I HAD TO choose a favorite Golden Girl, it would be Sophia (Estelle Getty). She is so ballsy and hilarious. Despite being actually younger in real life than both Bea Arthur and Betty White, she was the mother of the group. All of the girls are still living, but Estelle Getty is very sick and apparently has dementia. BREAKS MY HEART IN A MILLION PIECES. That woman is amazing. She did so much in her lifetime. One of the pioneers for AIDS charities. I really admire her. 

Second favorite Golden Girl, well it has to be Rose (Betty White). Betty White is hilarious in general. I love everything I see her in. Everytime I see her in an interview she is so so funny. You wouldn't expect her to say the things that she does! 

I also love Blanche (Rue McClanahan) and Dorothy (Bea Arthur). Really, the show was great because all the characters were so great. 

My favorite episode. Its hard to remember. This probably isn't it, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE the episode where they try to remodel their bathroom on their own. And that hideous (I think it was blue, I COULD BE VERY WRONG) toilet was delivered in their living room. 

I noticed the last time that I was dogsitting that my Grammie has a Golden Girls season 1 dvd set. I might be watching that today :-) 

A quick search on IMDB gave me a list of hilarious quotes...but this one actually made me laugh out loud:

Rose:" My mother always used to say: "The older you get, the better you get, unless you're a banana." 

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